18. 9. 2020
Author: Jaroslav Mikoška
Company: Retigo
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Mix all ingredients together and leave to proof in the fridge overnight. Next day, take out from the fridge 40 minutes before frying. Set the Retigo combi oven on hot air mode, 190°C, 5 minutes, fan speed 90%. Grease the Retigo snack and put the pancake mix into the individual moulds. After the preheating instert the GN container into the the oven. After 4 minutes, turn the pancakes over and close the door. For the peach compot, make the caramel from the maple sirup, add the peaches cut into the small cube shapes, add star anise and carefully stir few times untill the peaches release the juice and become softer. Plate the pancake on the plate, put the compot over garnish with quenelle of sauer cream and few drops of maple sirup.
Vision Snack
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